In the Loop - Winter 2018
News & Events:
AOR Annual Membership Meeting Please join us for lunch Monday, December 17th at 11AM at Iacono's in Hilliard for a pizza/salad buffet. We will have a brief board meeting at 11AM followed by an informal membership meeting with lunch provided. Iacono's is located at 5068 Cemetary Road in Hilliard, OH.
Upcoming 2019-20 AOR Board Elections AOR is pleased to announce the call for nominations for its Board of Directors. AOR, a 501(c)(6) nonprofit trade association that promotes waste reduction, reuse and recycling, is governed by a Board of Directors that is responsible for carrying out its mission, vision, programs, projects and activities. AOR encourages our members to become industry leaders by running for the Board of Directors and/or by volunteering for one of our board-led committees. These committees include Communications & Programming, Events, Governance, Finance and Strategic Planning & Development, and an overview of each committee can be found on our website. Serving on AOR’s Board is a two-year commitment, and board members are expected to attend monthly meetings either in-person or via conference call. Parties interested in the Board and/or Committee positions should send a resume or biography with a brief statement outlining why you would like to serve the organization/industry to AOR's President, Molly Kathleen by December 3rd.
2019 Partners Conference
Save the date! The Association of Ohio Recyclers (AOR), the Ohio Buckeye Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and the Ohio Association of Litter Prevention and Recycling Professionals (OALPRP) will be holding the 2019 Partners Conference September 15-17, 2019. Stay tuned for more details!
Research Grants
The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF)'s grant pre-proposal submissions are due December 3rd by 5PM. For more information on the EREF's Targeted Recycling RFP,click here.
Member Spotlight: Pratt Industries
Pratt was founded in the USA some 20 years ago and, since then, has shown dramatic growth with sophisticated manufacturing facilities in more than 25 states. The Georgia-based company operates an extensive Recycling Company to supply four of the most modern, cost-effective 100% recycled paper mills in the country – at our Conyers’ Campus and in New York City, New York, Valparaiso, Indiana and Shreveport, Louisiana. Our newest 100% recycled paper mill, Wapakoneta Ohio, will open in 2019. The company is dedicated to the sustainability of the environment, its customers and its people. The cornerstone of Pratt’s mission is to protect and nurture the planet’s natural resources while reducing our impact on the environment by “Harvesting the Urban Forest.” By doing so the company also seeks to help its customers meet their environmental goals. Pratt has been honored by environmental leaders such as former Vice President Al Gore, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Ted Turner, the Climate Group and Global Green for spreading the word that recycling is an important weapon against climate change. Pratt is America's 5th largest corrugated packaging company and the world's largest, privately-held 100% recycled paper and packaging company, with more than 6000 highly-skilled, green-collar employees dedicated to the environment and sustainability. Pratt Recycling is a subsidiary of Pratt Industries, the 5th largest corrugated packaging company in the USA and the world’s largest, privately-held 100% recycled paper and packaging company. Pratt Recycling Division is a full service recycler with 16 recycling facilities. Pratt utilizes the paper products collected in the production of its 100% recycled content paper and packaging solutions. Our mission is to create sustainable recycling solutions for our customers that maximize waste diversion, create cost savings and revenue stream for valuable recyclables previously landfilled, all the while minimizing the environmental impact by preserving natural resources for future generations. Every year Pratt diverts 2.2 million tons of waste paper, other recyclable materials and waste-to-clean energy materials from the landfill. Some items that cannot be recycled are used as fuel for Pratt’s clean energy plant which powers the paper-making process. We close the loop! Pratt Recycling works with businesses and communities across the U.S. to help divert over 2 million tons of materials from landfill every year. It has 16 modern Material Recovery Facilities and an operational footprint from New York to California. Pratt Industries Recycling Waste Reduction Process: Stakeholder Meeting – Establishes milestones, goals and stakeholder consensus. Waste Assessment – Ascertains materials to be recycled and diverted, accesses current service levels and space for equipment recommendations, project savings or revenue opportunities.
Green Steering Committee – Establishes a committee of key personnel for implementation of the recycling plan. Green Purchasing – Examines your incoming purchases and materials for recyclability and reusability. This eliminates waste before it begins.
Areas of Opportunity – Identifies and reviews areas of opportunity to divert waste and recycle materials.
Plan Implementation – Creates a plan for infrastructure and the equipment needed for the flow of materials from point of origin to final destination.
Education and Outreach – Partners with the Steering Committee for participant education to create a complete understanding of the recycling program and established goals. Evaluation and Feedback – Tracks results against milestones and goals while providing feedback to participants on the benefits of their efforts. Following these best practices will ensure a recycling and waste stream management program that will maximize waste diversion, create cost savings and maximize recycling revenues, while strengthening your position as a vital environmental corporate citizen.